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CHA Certification Has Impacted Their Careers

4 years 10 months ago #1261 by Kate
(July 2019) – Certified Horsemanship Association Certified Instructors are passionate about their work, their students, and about CHA. Because of this, several CHA Certified Instructors share how their CHA Certification has changed their career and their lives for the better.

When Dale Rudin of Un-Natural Horsemanship in Santa Fe, Tennessee, attended her first CHA International Conference, she says she knew she had found her tribe. This CHA Certified English and Western riding instructor who grounds her program in natural equine behavior shares that it is an honor and a gift to be a member. “It was like coming home to a place where everyone already knew me, because they thought the same way I did about teaching and horses,” she says. “That is especially precious to me because I often follow the beat of a vastly different drum than the majority of trainers and instructors I encounter.

“Coming across someone like-minded is rare enough, but finding an entire organization—CHA was like hitting the jackpot!” she shares. “I felt welcomed and supported by this group of people who ceaselessly strive to do their best for people who want to have a safe and fulfilling equestrian experience and the horses who make that happen. CHA inspires me to be a better instructor and horse person.”

CHA Assistant Clinician Amanda Love, an instructor in animal science at West Texas A&M University in Canyon, Texas, and the head coach of the women’s equestrian team there says her CHA Certification has given her another tremendous outlet for education to share with her students. “Our students come from many different riding backgrounds and have professional equine goals that span the spectrum of the horse industry, but CHA is a language that speaks to all horse people,” continues Love. “The videos, publications, manuals, and continuing education encourages equine students to be lifelong learners in the horse industry while maintaining the core values of safe, effective, and fun experiences with horses.”

As owner of CKR Training Stables in Yorba Linda, California, Cheryl Rohnke Kronsberg, a CHA Master Instructor with more than 35 years of experience of teaching riders and training horses, thought she would attend a CHA Certification Clinic and that would be it. “I'd have a piece of paper that said I was okie-dokie and I'd be on my way,” says Rohnke-Kronsberg. “Yet, as fantastic as the clinic itself was, I never realized that the best was yet to come. Once I had my certification, I met lots of other certified instructors. They became my friends, mentors, and associates. I have become acquainted with wonderful instructors from all over the world. We have exchanged information and ideas. We have helped each other with training and teaching issues. We have passed along helpful hints and sad stories. Their input has been extremely valuable to me, my staff, clients, and horses.”

Because of her certification, Rohnke-Kronsberg has been asked to speak at local and international events and to write articles. She credits CHA with improving her skills as a barn manager, horse owner, trainer and instructor.

She also never expected to become part of something that was not only helpful to her as an instructor and equine business owner, but as a person. “I have learned that I am respected by my peers and that my opinion matters to people,” she adds. “That has increased my self-esteem immeasurably. I have new confidence in myself and my abilities that extends far beyond the barn, arena, and show pen.”

CHA Clinician and Past President Tara Gamble of TG Horsemanship in British Columbia, Canada, says her CHA certification has allowed her to pursue her passion and turn it into a career. “From this I am a professional with a successful program and facility,” she says. “The resources and opportunities CHA has available for instructors is limitless.”

To learn more about CHA’s certifications and various other programs and educational materials, please visit . If you are a CHA Certified Instructor and would like to share “What Your CHA Certification Has Done for You,” please add your story in the comments of our original blog post on the topic at .

CHA Instructors Change Lives Through Safe Experiences with Horses. The purpose of CHA is to promote excellence in safety and education for the benefit of the horse industry. CHA certifies instructors and trail guides, accredits equestrian facilities, publishes educational manuals, produces educational horsemanship DVDs and YouTube Safety shorts, and hosts regional and international conferences. For more information on the largest certifying body of riding instructors and barn managers in North America, Certified Horsemanship Association, please visit or call 859-259-3399. To find a certified horseback riding instructor or accredited equine facility near you, visit .

For More Information and Photos

Contact: Christy Landwehr
720-857-9550 or

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