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EQ Saddle Science Debuts at 2017 USDF Convention

6 years 4 months ago #1080 by Kate
Dec 2017 Lexington KY — “I Thought About The Flapless Dressage Saddle All Night!” The customer from the prior day came bounding into the EQ Saddle Science booth all smiles, “I’ve been thinking about this saddle all night!” she exclaimed. “I have a few more questions about the flapless saddle, and I want to set up a trial.”

While that was likely the most creative and grin-inducing comment of the 2017 Adequan/USDF Annual Convention, it was in good company. A steady flow of people came to see what “all the flap was about” and to sit in the EQ Saddle Science adjustable dressage saddle and hear how it uniquely allows the horse to express true freedom in his gaits, and the rider to sit more naturally and connected than ever before.

Notable trainer and “r” judge Anne Howard of American Sporthorse in Watsonville, CA is a huge fan of the EQ Saddle Science flapless dressage saddle, and was in and out of the booth all three days sharing the various “ah-hah” moments from her test riding experiences. One of her comments that resonated most with visitors was that she believes it’s impossible to “clothespin” yourself out of the desired deep seat position. “It facilitates and even demands that you sit and connect with the horse,” she said.

Another breakthrough concept that enthralled visitors was the concept of the EQ Flex Panel System (ReactorPanel System), in which a leather-covered foam panel is placed onto the horse, then four discs are placed, two each side front and back, then the tree placed on top. The section of saddle where the rider sits rests directly onto the leather panel where the horse’s back is most stable. In front of and behind the rider, four dense rubber discs contour and shape the broad area of the pads, and compress to allow the panels to float. This combination allows full shoulder rotation and gait expression. While we all are taught to place the dressage saddle just behind the shoulder blade, if you mimic a trot extension by drawing your horse’s foreleg forward, you will see that the scapula rotates far behind the front edge of any dressage saddle, and only the EQ Flex Panel System allows it to do so unimpeded. (In fact, sport horse necropsies have shown old lesions on scapulas where they were rammed into traditional saddles.) Because the two EQ panels are not connected, they also operate independently, leading to the most talked-about benefit of all - much freer lateral movement. These advancements make the EQ Saddle Science line the most unique, adjustable dressage saddle on the market.

On display were a range of trees and seat sizes for the EQ Saddle Science dressage saddle, with two very different appearances. Several had, instead of thigh blocks, a large area of Velcro® to allow for trying a variety of block sizes and shapes, in a variety of positions, while another had a beautifully finished luxury-leather knee block elegantly sewn into the flap. Carmi Weininger, founder of EQ Saddle Science and inventor of the flapless dressage saddle concept, explained, “We created the Velcro block-tester model so that customers can play with different blocks and determine exactly what shape and position works to support, not block, their effectiveness in the saddle. Once we understand their needs, we can create a custom saddle with the block just where it’s needed. To our surprise, some have purchased the Velcro version, because it allows the rider piece to be as customizable and flexible as the horse piece.”

The world-renowned Dr. Hilary Clayton, who ran last winter’s testing for EQ Saddle Science, came by the booth several times to visit with EQ staff and customers and to answer questions.

With successful launch in hand, EQ Saddle Science heads to Wellington next, for six weeks of showcasing the new flapless dressage saddle, and holding fittings and trials both there and in select other Florida locations.

For more information or to schedule a fitting or two-week trial, please visit
EQ Saddle Science is an organization as unusual and high-quality as the saddles they make, and represent a true revolution in the sport horse world. Riders and their horses are constantly changing, and the conventional approach to saddle design does not address this dynamic, resulting in saddles that can't evolve with the horse and rider. Over time, these conventional saddles, no matter how high-end or how frequently re-fitted and -flocked, may hinder freedom of movement, skill development, and training progress. EQ Saddle Science’s proprietary technology provides a better outcome for both horse and rider than this conventional tack allows, with innovation based on horse and rider biomechanics, and extensive verification of the remarkable functionality of our saddles with scientific testing. EQ Saddle Science permits horses and riders to realize their full potential, to a level they may not even be aware they can reach.

Media please contact
Carmi Weininger
High-resolution photography available upon request.

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