Researchers and technology generators from Apayao State College (ASC), Benguet State University (BSU), and Ifugao State University (IFSU), pitched their generated technologies from research outputs before potential investors and partners in the 1s

More than 100 Bachelor of Science in Information Technology students of Eastern Visayas State University (EVSU) visited Benguet State University’s College of Information Sciences (BSU-CIS) as part of their exposure program. Russell B.

As a formative step for their Learning and Development Services for External Stakeholder establishment, representatives from Ifugao State University visited Benguet State University University’s International Language Center (ILC) last May 24, 202

The Bureau of Agricultural and Fisheries Engineering - Engineering Plans, Designs and Specifications Divisions (BAFE-EPDSD) with the Department of Agriculture - Cordillera Administrative Region officials (DA-CAR) visited the greenhouse facilities


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