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Ride Inspired is a journal with 52 messages and a lined page for your notes across from each one. Creating RI has been an absolute joy for me. It's meant to be fun, lighten your day, inform, and encourage. There's still time to order before Santa shows up, and I will sign every one - plus, there's a special bookmark inside each one. I even have a volume discount for you! Click the image or GO HERE

CLICK HERE for FREE short messages on Tuesday and Thursday
that inspire, teach, and build your confidence.

Saying Yes and Showing Up

One morning, during our Cowgirl Spring Adventure Retreat in Moab, Utah, this past week, I had a few quiet moments. I was reflecting on how much magic life has to offer when we take the risk of showing up and saying yes to experiences we are attracted to—or sometimes just invited to. We never know what special things can happen unless we just say yes, go for it, and see what happens.

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They Feel It

I just returned home after a lovely trip to Sicily, Italy, with my husband, Tom, and another couple who are great friends.

We had lots of adventures and, of course, the kind of fun you have on vacation when you’re in the moment and doing nothing but looking for fun and the next adventure.

But during our trip, two sad events happened, both about the loss of a child.

The shock we all feel when that happens is always jarring, but this time, in addition to that initial sad disbelief, I felt a couple of other emotions I want to share with you.

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Chilling Them Out

Hey, it’s Barb. I want to talk to you about something that’s been bugging me a bit.

I’m not one to get on a lot of soap boxes, and I’m not getting on one about this. I’m just hopefully raising awareness for a simple idea that we all know: cooling down our horses after a workout.

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There’s No Place Like Home

I’ve been on a lengthy stint of travel these past few weeks.

First, I was in Montana at the gorgeous Paws Up Resort and attending the Cowgirl Spring Roundup, a Cowgirl Hall of Fame Retreat. Wonderful! I was honored to be a part of this event.
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Oh, those dreaded mistakes!

I just finished a book club meeting with our Circle of Trust group this past week. We discussed Daniel Coyle’s two books, mainly The Little Book of Talent.

We talked about what was meaningful to us – what made an impact. That’s what this video is all about.

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People Like These

In my 35 years of working with people and horses, no one topic has been brought up more as a source of woe – and wonderfulness! – than relationships—the good, the bad, and the not-very-pretty.

That’s because humans innately crave connection, being close to other people, and building relationships. These are vital to our well-being, both mentally and emotionally.

Horses have the same experience, although, additionally, they depended on it for survival in the wild.

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horse/human and human/human relationships

It was a beautiful spring day when I made this video.

I talk about the connection between horses and people and people and people.

It’s a rich topic because connection is such a basic and strong drive for horses and humans. Over the past few years, I’ve learned much about both types of relationships.

I’m currently working on an insightful and moving project about human-human relationships. You’re invited to join me. There’s lots of good stuff!

On a different note, Nic is once again quite the character in the video. He makes me laugh—laughter is the best!

Join us in the Sharing Journal Project

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A walk in the wildflowers

How a Quiet Upper Body Facilitates Connection with Your Horse

Over the past few weeks, our Cutting Master Class has been studying preparing yourself and your horse and herd work.

I’ve noticed once again how a quiet upper body that remains that way, no matter what’s going on at the moment (whether it be quick response steering or moving quickly across the arena on a cut, working a cow, etc.) sets up numerous positive results: accurate present-moment perceptions, communication with our horse and using our hands and feet independently – to name a few.

This idea is not unique to cutting. It spans all disciplines.

Again, it’s not a new concept, but it did jump out at me, loud and clear, and I saw how powerful it is as we watched great riders ride.

A quiet, soft, yet pliable upper body facilitates focus, engagement, and the ability to feel your horse.

It takes time and focus to develop. So be kind and patient with yourself, my friend – but do cultivate it.

There’s not a transcript this week.

Please leave your stories and thoughts about this idea on the website.

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So Much More Is Possible

Hey, it’s Barb and Nic.

And you can see Jax is hanging out over there. Oh, and there goes Abby. So everyone in our family’s here but Tom. It’s a beautiful day in Texas. I’m so grateful to have such nice weather.

I have a quick message today.

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I Didn’t Know This Was Coming

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Click here for the Thinking Differently Mini-Podcast Series and Transcripts